Results for 'P. von Bretzel'

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  1. Modern materialism and essentialism.James D. Carney & P. von Bretzel - 1973 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 51 (1):78-81.
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    Concerning a Probabilistic Theory of Causation Adequate for the Causal Theory of Time.Philip von Bretzel - 1977 - Synthese 35 (2):173 - 190.
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    Cornman, Sensa, and the Argument from Hallucination.Philip Von Bretzel - 1974 - Philosophical Studies 26 (5/6):443 - 445.
  4. The logic of Euclidean construction procedures.P. Mäenpää & Jan von Plato - 1990 - Acta Philosophica Fennica 39:275-293.
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  5. ΕΙΔΟΣ et ΙΔΕΑ, Étude sémantique et chronologique des œuvres de Platon.P. Brommer & von Gorcum - 1944 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 49 (2):191-192.
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  6. Modestly radical or radically modes . Festschrift for Jean-Paul van Bendegem.P. Allo & V. von Kerkhove (eds.) - 2014
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  7. Zur Funktion des Begriffes unbewusst in Osterreichische Philosophen und Ihr Einfluss auf die analytische Philosophie der Gegenwart. Band 1.P. Von Morstein - 1977 - Conceptus: Zeitschrift Fur Philosophie 11 (28-30):327-338.
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  8. Rethinking the offense principle.A. P. Simester & Andrew von Hirsch - 2002 - Legal Theory 8 (3):269-295.
    This paper explores the Offence Principle. It discusses whether two constraints, additional to the criteria stated in conventional analysis, ought to be met before the Offense Principle can be satisfied: (i) that offensive conduct must be a wrong, and (ii) that the conduct must also lead to harm. The nature of the Harm Principle, and its relationship to the Offense Principle, are also considered. The paper suggests that, even if all cases in which offense should be criminalized also involve harm, (...)
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  9. Nietzsche and Creative Passion in Milan Kundera's The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Tereza's Realization of the Dionysian and Apollonian Art-Impulses in The Elemental Passions of the Soul. Poetics of the Elements in the Human Conditions: Part 3. [REVIEW]P. Von Morstein - 1989 - Analecta Husserliana 28:535-557.
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    Remote Harms and Non-constitutive Crimes.A. P. Simester & Andrew Von Hirsch - 2009 - Criminal Justice Ethics 28 (1):89-107.
    Many of the most serious crimes that fall within the justificatory scope of the harm principle do so constitutively. They do so in the sense that the harm that the crime is designed to prevent is a...
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  11. Konflikte bei der Krankenhauseinweisung einer unheilbar Kranken durch den Notarzt. Kommentare.A. Freiherr von Campenhausen, U. Schlaudraff, P. Sefrin & K. von Lutterotti - 1994 - Ethik in der Medizin 6 (1):32-37.
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    On the Legitimate Objectives of Criminalisation.A. P. Simester & Andreas von Hirsch - 2016 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 10 (2):367-379.
    We discuss and respond to the contributions of Tatjana Hörnle, John Kleinig, and John Stanton-Ife, and clarify some aspects of the arguments made in Crimes, Harms, and Wrongs.
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  13. Computing applications for the engineering design of nuclear fuel cycle facilities.P. C. Cuchieratto, A. Braganga Jr, L. Salgado & R. Bretzel - 1991 - Ai 1991 Frontiers in Innovative Computing for the Nuclear Industry Topical Meeting, Jackson Lake, Wy, Sept. 15-18, 1991 1.
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  14. Cognitive adaptations of social bonding in birds.Nathan J. Emery, Amanda M. Seed, Auguste M. P. Von Bayern & Clayton & S. Nicola - 2007 - In Nathan Emery, Nicola Clayton & Chris Frith (eds.), Social Intelligence: From Brain to Culture. Oxford University Press.
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    Nucleation of the thermal F.C.C.→H.C.P. transformation.A. W. Sleeswyk, J. N. Helle & A. P. Von Rosenstiel - 1964 - Philosophical Magazine 9 (101):891-896.
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    Moral parochialism misunderstood: a reply to Piazza and Sousa.Daniel M. T. Fessler, Colin Holbrook, Martin Kanovsky, H. Clark Barrett, Alexander H. Bolyanatz, Matthew M. Gervais, Michael Gurven, Joseph Henrich, Geoff Kushnick, Anne C. Pisor, Stephen P. Stich, Christopher von Rueden & Stephen Laurence - 2016 - Proceedings of the Royal Society; B (Biological Sciences) 283.
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    Epic and Purāṇic Bibliography (Up to 1985) Annotated and with IndexesEpic and Puranic Bibliography (Up to 1985) Annotated and with Indexes. [REVIEW]Robert P. Goldman & Heinrich von Stietencron - 1995 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 115 (2):351.
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    Vermischte Bemerkungen.P. Long, Ludwig Wittgenstein, G. H. von Wright & H. Nyman - 1979 - Philosophical Quarterly 29 (114):81.
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  19. von Kügelgen, Die Dogmatik Albrecht Ritschls.P. von Lind - 1899 - Kant Studien 3:222.
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  20. (1 other version)Das Kantbild des Fürsten von Pless.P. von Lind - 1900 - Kant Studien 4:102.
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  21. Kowalewski, Kritische Analyse von Arthur Colliers Clavis universalis.P. von Lind - 1899 - Kant Studien 3:205.
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  22. Die sinnlichen Triebkräfte in ihrer Bedeutung für das Tugendleben nach Thomas von Aquin1.O. P. Von Stephanus Pfürtner - 1955 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 2:3.
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  23. Bd. 1. Interdisziplinäres Symposion Tübingen 2004.Bernd Janowski Und Hans P. Lichtenberger Herausgegeben von J. Christine Janowski & in Zusammenarbeit mit Annette Krüger - 2000 - In J. Christine Janowski, Bernd Janowski & Hans P. Lichtenberger (eds.), Stellvertretung: Theologische, Philosophische Und Kulturelle Aspekte. Neukirchener.
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  24. New books. [REVIEW]Austin Duncan-Jones, C. D. Broad, William Kneale, Martha Kneale, L. J. Russell, D. J. Allan, S. Körner, Percy Black, J. O. Urmson, Stephen Toulmin, J. J. C. Smart, Antony Flew, R. C. Cross, George E. Hughes, John Holloway, D. Daiches Raphael, J. P. Corbett, E. A. Gellner, G. P. Henderson, W. von Leyden, P. L. Heath, Margaret Macdonald, B. Mayo, P. H. Nowell-Smith, J. N. Findlay & A. M. MacIver - 1950 - Mind 59 (235):389-431.
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    Verbesserung des kontrastes von magnetischen domänen in SmCo5im rasterelektronenmikroskopischen sekundärelektronenbild.Von J. Fidler, H. Kirchmayr & P. Skalicky - 1977 - Philosophical Magazine 35 (4):1125-1131.
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  26. Christliches Leben oder Psychoanalyse?O. P. Von Raimondo Verardo - 1955 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 2:68.
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  27. (1 other version)Eine erfüllte Prophezeiung Kants.P. von Lind - 1899 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 3:168.
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  28. Principles of predictive action in infancy.C. von Hofsten, P. Vishton, E. S. Spelke, K. Rosander & Q. Feng - 1998 - Cognition 76:255-285.
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  29. Evolutionary precursors of social norms in chimpanzees: a new approach.Claudia Rudolf von Rohr, Judith M. Burkart & Carel P. van Schaik - 2011 - Biology and Philosophy 26 (1):1-30.
    Moral behaviour, based on social norms, is commonly regarded as a hallmark of humans. Hitherto, humans are perceived to be the only species possessing social norms and to engage in moral behaviour. There is anecdotal evidence suggesting their presence in chimpanzees, but systematic studies are lacking. Here, we examine the evolution of human social norms and their underlying psychological mechanisms. For this, we distinguish between conventions, cultural social norms and universal social norms. We aim at exploring whether chimpanzees possess evolutionary (...)
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  30. Curtis, C. VV. 255.D. Von Dalen, M. Dehn, G. Deleuze, G. Desargues, M. Detlefsen, P. G. L. Dirichlet, P. Dugac, M. Dummett, W. G. Dwyer & M. Eckehardt - 2006 - In José Ferreirós Domínguez & Jeremy Gray (eds.), The Architecture of Modern Mathematics: Essays in History and Philosophy. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
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    Chimpanzees’ Bystander Reactions to Infanticide.Claudia Rudolf von Rohr, Carel P. van Schaik, Alexandra Kissling & Judith M. Burkart - 2015 - Human Nature 26 (2):143-160.
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  32. Dialogism and agency in education.Eugene Matusov, Mark P. Smith, Elizabeth Soslau, Ana Marjanovic-Shane & Katherine von Duyke - forthcoming - Educational Theory.
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    Self-generated cognitive fluency: consequences on evaluative judgments.Ulrich von Hecker, Paul H. P. Hanel, Zixi Jin & Piotr Winkielman - 2023 - Cognition and Emotion 37 (2):254-270.
    People can support abstract reasoning by using mental models with spatial simulations. Such models are employed when people represent elements in terms of ordered dimensions (e.g. who is oldest, Tom, Dick, or Harry). We test and find that the process of forming and using such mental models can influence the liking of its elements (e.g. Tom, Dick, or Harry). The presumed internal structure of such models (linear-transitive array of elements), generates variations in processing ease (fluency) when using the model in (...)
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  34. Die angesehene Meinung: Studien zum endoxon im Mittelalter.P. von Moos - 1998 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 45 (3):343-380.
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  35. Die soziale Summe Pius XII.O. P. Von Paul Wyser - 1955 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 2:80.
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  36. Image de Dieu: Image de l'être humain dans l'Epitre aux Romains.P. von Gemünden - 1997 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 77 (1):31-49.
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    Kirchlicher Konservativismus und Angst.Volker Von Edlinger & Jakob P. Gösslbauer - 1980 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 14 (1):92-121.
    A Study of Ecclesiastical Conservativism and AnxietyA German translated form of the “IPAT Anxiety Scale Questionnaire” by Cattell & Scheier and a specially developed ecclesiastical conservativism questionary were given to a sample of 330 adult, catholic, urban Ss. Several item analyses and reliability computations showed the usefulness of the scales. Analyses of correlations and variances yielded the following main results: There are statistical significant functional interrelations between ecclesiastical conservativism and the variables age, educational level, professional type, and church attendance. The (...)
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  38. Magisterio enim ordinario haec docentur Zu einer Kontroversstelle der Enzyklika «Humani generis.O. P. Von Heinrich Stirnimann - 1954 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 1:17.
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    The invention of sustainability.H. C. von Carlowitz & P. M. Steinsiek - 2011 - Modern Intellectual History 8 (1):153-170.
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    Liberal criminal theory: essays for Andreas von Hirsch.A. P. Simester, Antje Du Bois-Pedain, Ulfrid Neumann & Andrew Von Hirsch (eds.) - 2014 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Hart Publishing.
    This book celebrates Andreas (Andrew) von Hirsch's pioneering contributions to liberal criminal theory. He is particularly noted for reinvigorating desert-based theories of punishment, for his development of principled normative constraints on the enactment of criminal laws, and for helping to bridge the gap between Anglo-American and German criminal law scholarship. Underpinning his work is a deep commitment to a liberal vision of the state. This collection brings together a distinguished group of international authors, who pay tribute to von Hirsch by (...)
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    On an Extended Logic of Relations.P. T. Geach & G. H. von Wright - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (1):72-73.
  42. Berardi, S., see Barbanera, F.M. Ferrari, P. Miglioli, M. Foreman, M. Magidor, T. Huuskonen, R. Sommer, J. von Plato & J. Zapletal - 1995 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 76:303.
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    Philosophische strömungen in der modernen medizin.Von G. Bally, G. Bally, H. Ey, C. G. Jung, A. Mitscherlich, P.‐H. Rossier, J. Ruesch & W. Voneizsaucker - 1951 - Dialectica 5 (1):84-96.
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    A Rabble in the Zoopolis? Considering Responsibilities for Wildlife Hybrids.Erica von Essen & Michael P. Allen - 2016 - Journal of Social Philosophy 47 (2):171-187.
  45. Ein Vertreter der Einheitsmetaphysik im Spätmittelalter.W. Eckert & O. P. Berthold von Moosburg - 1957 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 65:120-133.
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  46. Washington, The formal and material elements of Kant's ethics. [REVIEW]P. von Lind - 1899 - Kant Studien 3:214.
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    Wild-But-Not-Too-Wild Animals: Challenging Goldilocks Standards in Rewilding.Erica von Essen & Michael P. Allen - 2016 - Between the Species 19 (1).
    Rewilding is positioned as ‘post’-conservation through its emphasis on unleashing the autonomy of natural processes. In this paper, we argue that the autonomy of nature rhetoric in rewilding is challenged by human interventions. Instead of joining critique toward the ‘managed wilderness’ approach of rewilding, however, we examine the injustices this entails for keystone species. Reintroduction case studies demonstrate how arbitrary standards for wildness are imposed on these animals as they do their assigned duty to rehabilitate ecosystems. These ‘Goldilocks’ standards are (...)
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    Positivism: A Study in Human Understanding.P. L. Heath & Richard von Mises - 1954 - Philosophical Quarterly 4 (15):186.
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    The Republican Zoopolis: Towards A New Legitimation Framework for Relational Animal Ethics.Erica von Essen & Michael P. Allen - 2016 - Ethics and the Environment 21 (1):61-88.
    An alternative to the negative rights slant in animal rights, focusing on abolition and hands-off approaches, has now surfaced within critical animal studies. Indeed, Relational Animal Rights Theory lays a foundation for positive relations of care, mutuality and dependence between species. In so doing, the theory is sensitive to the multitude of ways in which human and non-human animals interact across shared territories. Perhaps the most fruitful development with RART is offered by Donaldson and Kymlicka, insofar as it extends a (...)
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    Der Liber de Arcubus Similibus des Ahmed Ibn Jusuf.Von H. L. L. Busard & P. S. van Koningsveld - 1973 - Annals of Science 30 (4):381-406.
    The text of the tract De arcubus similibus was published for the first time by M. Curtze in 1887. However, after examining some more Latin manuscripts and the Arabic MS Oxford, Bodleian Library, Marsh 663 it appeared, that Curtze's edition was rather an adaptation. Also Curtze's suggestion that Jordanus Nemorarius was the author was very probably wrong. The author of the tract was the Egyptian mathematician Ahmed ibn Jusuf as appears from the Latin manuscripts, and its translator, very probably, Gerard (...)
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